Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Colorful Memories

On that cold February morning, with the sun barely peeking above the horizon, we pulled in to the church lot for the first official yard sale of the year. There was a line 30 yards long of like minded yard “salers” who were ready to get back in to the Saturday morning fray! The doors soon opened and the warmth of the church hall welcomed us.

When I attend church sales, the first thing I try to do is scan the room for the tables or booths manned by the “mature” ladies of the parish.  There is absolutely no prejudice in my actions against the younger sellers, but the really unique and vintage treasures are usually those donated by the sweet “senior” ladies. This theory held true at the first sale of the year as I scanned the table operated by three darling ladies. There was a cute little lamp, doilies, scarves, and general bric-a-brac scattered about on the tables when an incredible array of color caught my eye. My mind raced back in time to my aunt’s kitchen table, waaaayyy back in the mid 60’s. Aunt Mary always served us our grape kool-aid in Heller Hostess Ware Colorama tumblers, but I had never seen these petite little serving dishes before!  The lady had just finished setting the last of the complete set out on the table when I asked to purchase them! She wrapped them up ever so carefully and told me they had been in her china cabinet for as long as she could remember but she just didn’t use them.

After a little research, I discovered in 1957 The Heller Hostess Ware Co. came out with the anodized “Colorama Serving Aids”, with my lovely church sale find being the “8-piece Sherbet Set-A very colorful service for Seafood Cocktails, Fruits, Sherbets, Desserts, etc.” These Heller Hostess Ware items were all the rage in the post WWII era when modern materials and “space age” designs were popular. If you would like to own this complete set of Heller Hostess Ware please visit our Etsy shop.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Back to Business!

Welcome to Point Breeze Cottage (PBC), where the sun is always shining, the breeze is always cool, and you’re always greeted with a smile. Last year we launched our business by selling our products on Etsy. We were welcomed to the online community with open arms, selling at least 40 original pieces and unique vintage finds.
This year we have expanded our inventory and are offering you the ability to purchase from us through our etsy site, this blog, or in person if you are within a 50 miles radius of St. Mary’s County, MD. We’ve acquired some gorgeous, but large pieces this year and are encouraging anyone interested in the local area to stop by PBC and check them out in person.
There are lots of new and exciting changes coming to Point Breeze Cottage this year, so we hope you’re ready! We’ve got everything from rustic china cabinets to funky side tables, vintage cake plates to groovy serving dishes, shabby-chic chests to fun children’s furniture.
Add our blog to your favorites and check in daily to get the first look at our inventory, tips and tricks for doing your own pieces, and even a few special features on what inspires us every day.