Sunday, July 14, 2013

Local Pickin's - Farmer Bubba

Have you joined the eating fresh trend that's suddenly taken off across the country? On that token, I need to take a minute to recognize my other half, because he's been a part of this "trend" for pretty much his entire life. Meet "Farmer Bubba":

This handsome devil is my husband, who has ventured into the produce business this summer. He and his dad started planting in the early spring and ended up with a delicious and beautiful crop of fresh vegetables by the time summer rolled around. Tomatoes, squash, sweet corn, beets, potatoes, string beans, cucumbers and peas are just a sampling of the items he has been selling to both local businesses and on the side of the road in good old Mechanicsville [as seen above].

Eating "fresh" is good for the environment, local economy, and most importantly, it's good for you! There is nothing like biting into a freshly dug potato, or digging into a full ear of sweet corn. It really makes you realize how good natural tastes and how bad artificial is.

The summer months are the time to buy fresh veggies, especially at roadside stands like Bubba's. So get out there and find your local "fresh" dealer - Your body will thank you later, I promise!

[Do you have a local vendor or market you visit for your fresh veggies? Leave a comment and give them a shout out]