Thursday, September 5, 2013

Lifestyle: When the Mountains are Calling...

Sometimes you have to stop what  you're doing and answer the call of the mountains. At least that's what we do in my family! Ever since I was a little girl we would travel over the Harry W. Nice Memorial Bridge to the lovely state of Virginia and make our way through the winding back roads toward Skyline Drive, part of the Shenandoah National Park.

My grandmother hails from South West Virginia, and my grandfather from Olive Hill, Kentucky, so this 2.5 hour drive always satisfied their need to get back to their roots and our need for a mini-adventure. And it answered their calling once again over the Labor Day weekend when my mom was kind enough to pack a cooler full of lunch meat, fixin's, and other picnic necessities, and let us pile into her new mini-van to make our way to the mountains.

There is something so calm and peaceful about the Blue Ridge Mountains. Something I never noticed as a child, but coming back as an adult, I was fully aware of Mother Nature and all of her beauty. 

Where do you go for a quick escape from the daily grind? Here are a few pictures from our mini-escape!

Along the Upper Hawksbill trail - My mom, left, and her parents/my grandparents - Nan & Pa!

King and Queen of the Mountain - Bub and I both arriving at the end of the trail/overlook!

Family <3 Three generations

Just days before our 3rd wedding anniversary - I think I'll use this one as our official anniversary pic!

As we were driving down the mountain to our picnic site, we saw these cute, baby black bears having a leafy snack in the trees. We slowed down for a picture, but kept moving. Where there is a baby, there is almost certainly a Momma!

After a day in the mountains and taking in all of that fresh air, I couldn't believe how salty the air smelled and almost tasted when we got back home to the Point Breeze Cottage. It didn't help that it was all kinds of muggy that day, but it was still pretty neat to notice the differences in air quality.

If you want to learn more about the Shenandoah National Park or Skyline Drive, be just to visit their website:

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